Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Gave Ayesha some support on her PPoint presentation for an observed lesson - suggested ways in which the materials might be presented in an accessible way and also reminded her of how the colour tool can be used to highlight word stress.
e-learning at Hammersmith and West London ESOL Div
Working on sorting the existing IT pages/handouts on the ESOL homepage - task proving to be most time-consuming!
e-learning at Hammersmith and West London ESOL Div
Met Nikos and discussed ways in which he could blend ICT into a 16-19 class. Suggested and showed him the NLN materials on the homepage.
also suggested useful websites for EFL sts and we discussed how to present these to the class on the projector - following up with a w/sheet that sts could use at a later date.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Organised a training session on the new Student Portal with Penny Langford and on tablet use with Wendy Peskett. 19 of ESOL team attended.

Penny demonstrated the new Portal, showed us how to set up the new discussion board facility and explained about how to get materials uploaded to the MLE. Members of the team expressed interest in this - so will try and arrange a training on it for those 'keenies'; before we are obliged to do it.
Wendy then went on to do her Tablet training - exploiting the tablet for classroom use which she had previuosly delivered when we received our tablets in June.

It all went very well and I received very positive feedback from the team!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Feedback from Ayesha:
Hi Liz,

Successful first attempt!

Thank you,

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Met again with Ayesha - we devloped a lesson using ICT in the classroom. Gave support on creating a PowerPoint presentation, suggested ways in which error correction might be used with a class in Word and demonstrated the portable projector set up. She is goign to have a practice with the projector in tonight's evening class. (1hr)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

e-learning at Hammersmith and West London ESOL Div
Contacted and confirmed college ILT trainer to give her tablet training (given once last year when we initially got tablets) at teh beginning of ESOL IT training session on the 18th.

Drew team's attention to the Portal feedback function on the Intranet as there are teething problems esp using student email.

Gave one-to-one training on Print screen function to help making of IT worksheets.

Ayesha and I met again (briefly) to discuss an IT worksheet she has produced. Have scheduled another session next week to help her with planning a lesson incorporating the projector and tablet in a normal classroom lesson.
Meeting with Rachel. We discussed the following:
ESOL Homepage – one link to worksheets (ESOL IT/IT) regigging of mats – Liz to do. We discussed the idea of a generic homepage for all ESOL sites (with ILPs / proformas etc) to be discussed at Standard. meeting. When this is completed – advertise to teachers.

Diversity on SLW – Should we place work on the recent projects on the portal? Liz wonders if it will be used? Liz to mention in 16-19 meeting and get feedback.
Find Archive – Passages of Asylum/What it means to be British/First Impressions of GB then create some Q sheets for sts to navigate to

IT training on 18th Oct – what would be useful?

Liz to send out email requesting what people want – equipment use – data proj in the classroom / interactive materials available / exploiting your tablet
Which would you be interested in? What else would you like – (centime covered on CER day).

Buddies – make a ‘report’ on what our scheme is and what we are working on.
Liz can provide support for teachers in IT suites/ in the classroom – outline this in the IT training on 18th

Thursday, September 28, 2006

e-learning at Hammersmith and West London ESOL Div

Helped team with technical support on Centime - individual support and email instructions.
Created IT worksheet for use with Excel - aimed at 16-19 team in addition to ongoing class Diversity projects.
Linked 16-19 Tutorial documents on ESOL Homepage.
e-learning at Hammersmith and West London ESOL Div

Identified members of the team who might like to trial ILT in classes and emailed them offering my support. Had meeting with Ayesha to discuss what she's working on at the moment - Worksheets to go with the Reward program in c184 to make them more productive and definitive. Sts can measure what they are doing against others rather than just surfing around a unit. Ayesha is going to continue with this.
Suggested ways in which she could blend ICT into normal classes - showed her some of my examples. We have arranged to meet again and discuss what she'd like to try. Aim to provide her with projector training.
e-learning at Hammersmith and West London ESOL Div

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hi everyone. This is Liz . Here's the start of my e-learning blog!